It's the minor gestures of love that matter. she never asks for expensive things. all she ever wants is to feel loved and respected in the relationship/bond you two share. you don't have to buy her jewelry or take her out on dates in some expensive restaurant.

Instead she would want you to get her flowers, take her out on walks, eat street food and do all the crazy stuff in the middle of the road. she would want to talk to you about everything from how her day was to the thoughts that bother her at night.She would want you to sit by her side under that sky full of stars and absorb all the gloom she has inside her. 
all she ever wants is - to feel alive ofcourse, she will love and protect all the gifts you get her. but it really doesn't matter if it's costly or not.for her, what truly matters is the gesture of love behind that gift. the fact that you took efforts for her, to maker her feel special. this will make her heart melt. this will make her and this relationship - stay.

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