How do you do it ?

How to stay alive?
In this world of devils
Wearing masquerades
How do I know it's an angel?
How do I know it's not my fault?
How do I teach my heart to beat?
How do I teach my lungs to breathe!
How do I learn to live?
How do I live?
How do you live?
How do we live?
How do we not suffer?
How do we suffer at the hands of those we love?
How do we suffer at the hands of those we hate?
How do we end this all without ending ourselves?
How do we end ourselves and yet stay alive?
How do we know this is not the end?
How do we restart?
How do we learn to think again?
How do we not scream pain?
How do we scream without a voice!

How do we ever learn it all?
How do we still survive?
How do I make it all alive?
How do I survive?
How do I cry?
How do we undo things?
How do we change our actions already done?
How do we change people in our life?
How do we remake our life from the beginning?
How do we survive with guilt?
How do we decide to take a right?
How do we know it's not left?
How do we know it's not okay?
How do we know we're going to regret this?
How do we calculate a consequence?
How do we not get lost in retrospection!
How do we not forgive our sinners?
How do we forgive our sinners?
How do we not let it go and ask for revenge?
How do we let it all go and stay at peace?
How do we rewind time?
How do we correct our mistakes?
How do we correct other's mistakes?
How do we go back to the past and warn ourselves?
How do we rewrite our past?
How do we rewrite the moments we didn't witness?
How do we be at the right place at the right time?
How do we recognize a wrong place!
How do we unlearn how to cry?
How do we teach our ears to hear their words?

How do we tell our minds to erase these thoughts?
How do we learn to forget what pain is?
How do we learn to not be hurt?
How do we learn to survive without company?
How do we account lack of empathy?

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